O nama

Preddiplomski studij latinskog jezika i Diplomski studij hrvatskog latiniteta osnovani su 2006. godine kao odgovor na potrebu za stručnjacima koji bi se bavili bogatom, ali nedovoljno istraženom hrvatskom latinističkom baštinom. Trogodišnji preddiplomski studij pokriva područje klasičnog latiniteta, stvarajući kroz nastavu gramatike i književnosti osnovu za nastavak studija. Diplomski studij obuhvaća svjetski i hrvatski srednjovjekovni i novovjekovni latinitet. Velika se pažnja posvećuje temeljitom ovladavanju jezikom i dubinskoj interpretaciji književnog teksta. Izborni predmeti, većinom usko vezani za struku, omogućuju studentima da usmjere svoje interese u njima najzanimljivija područja. Osim za znanstveni i stručni rad, po završetku diplomskog studija nastavničkog smjera studenti su osposobljeni za predavanje latinskog jezika u školama.

o. d. pročelnik Odsjeka hrvatskoga latiniteta: izv. prof. dr. sc. Marko Jerković



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Zadnja promjena: 18. prosinca 2019.

Objavljeno: 29. 4. 2014. u 21:30
Šime Demo

Announcement of Competition: Latin, Greek and Humanities 
at the Academy Vivarium Novum in Rome – Italy
Academic year 2014-2015

The Academy Vivarium Novum is offering ten full tuition scholarships for high school students (16-18 years old) and ten full tuition scholarships  for University students(18-24 years old) of any part of the world. The scholarships will cover all of the costs of room, board, teaching and didactic materials for courses to be held from October 6, 2014 until June 13, 2015 on the grounds of the Academy’s campus at Rome.

Application letters must be sent to info@vivariumnovum.net by July 1st in order to receive consideration.

Announcement of Competition: Latin, Greek and Humanities 
at the Academy Vivarium Novum in Rome – Italy
Academic year 2014-2015

The Academy Vivarium Novum is offering ten full tuition scholarships for high school students (16-18 years old) and ten full tuition scholarships  for University students(18-24 years old) of any part of the world. The scholarships will cover all of the costs of room, board, teaching and didactic materials for courses to be held from October 6, 2014 until June 13, 2015 on the grounds of the Academy’s campus at Rome.

Application letters must be sent to info@vivariumnovum.net by July 1st in order to receive consideration.

The courses will be as follows:
- Latin language (fundamental and advanced)
- Greek language (fundamental and advanced)
- Latin composition
- Roman History
- Ancient Latin literature
- History of ancient Philosophy
- Renaissance and Neo-Latin literature
- Latin and Greek music and poetry
- Classics reading seminars

The goal is to achieve a perfect command of both Latin and Greek through a total immersion in the two languages in order to master without any hindrances the texts and concepts which have been handed down from the ancient times, middle ages, the Renaissance period and modern era, and to cultivate the humanities in a manner similar to the  Renaissance humanists.

All the classes will be conducted in Latin, except for Greek classes which will be conducted in ancient Greek.

In the letter the prospective student should indicate the following:

1. Full name;

2. Date and location of birth;

3. What school you currently attend;
4. How long you have studied Latin and/or Greek;

5. Which authors and works you have read;

6. Other studies and primary interests outside of school.

In addition, please attach a recent photograph and a copy of your passport or your ID card.

(For more information about the Academy, you may visit the websitewww.vivariumnovum.net.)

Popis obavijesti

Fakultet hrvatskih studija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu visokoučilišna je ustanova i znanstvena organizacija, koja ima poziv: istraživati i proučavati hrvatsko društvo, državu, prostor, stanovništvo, iseljeništvo, kulturu, hrvatsko civilizacijsko i povijesno naslijeđe u europskom i općesvjetskom kontekstu; o postojećim znanjima i novostečenim spoznajama poučavati u sustavu visokoučilišne naobrazbe te njegovati hrvatski nacionalni i kulturni identitet.

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